Use Quarius to get signal from your community

Define your own space

Wallet gate your community to get the highest quality signal. Help your members keep up with the latest developments without having to keep up with Discord.

Connect with your wallet

Connect with your wallet

Use your wallet to create your anonymous profile. The choice is yours.

Create a Quarius Node

Create a Quarius Node

Define the gate to your community by using our flexible rule-based system.



Draft proposals, ask for feedback or just have fun. The Node Threads will keep things tidy and members can jump in on the topics that they are interested in.



The Quarius Pass is the token to your Node. Set up monthly memberships for your community or build it up and transfer it to another owner. The choice is yours.

Quarius Pass

  • Mint your Quarius Pass

    Holding a Quarius pass enables monetisation tools within a Quarius Node.

  • Set your Rules

    Use any combination of ERC-20 Tokens & NFTs to gate your communities.

  • Grow

    Set up your community on the right path. Pull the members of your DAO into Quarius so you can have thoughtful conversations

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Control Section Image
Custom rules

Customize your Node for the right audience

Quarius has best in class rule creation capabilities to gate your communities. Using our suite of filters, you can set up any combination of crypto holdings & NFTs to make sure that only the people from your community have access to the discussions that matter

Mint date to be announced
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